Home CMMG CMMG BANSHEE 1000 Round Review… Smaller is Better

CMMG BANSHEE 1000 Round Review… Smaller is Better


We take a look at the new CMMG Banshee, this thing packs a lot of bite in a small package. This is a new series of ARs from CMMG featuring 5 inch barrels and some great accessories.

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  1. The only problem with this gun is its a 9mm.       Glock 17 can do everything the Banshee can do at half the size and 1/3 the price.    Its a good 9mm AR  pistol.      The best semi auto AR 9mm pistol is and always will be pointless.    Just another paid advertisement from a sell out gun channel.

  2. Does this run all kinds of ammo without a problem? Hollow points, steel? I guess it comes with different weighted attachments for the bolt, in case you run suppressed. I feel as though this gun loses a lot of "Survival" points if you gotta stop to change out the bolt during a Mad Max chase scene. haha

  3. This thing is expensive but, like you said, considering after you buy it you really shouldn't need any more accessories, it does put the price into perspective. I mean, the one reason I don't wanna get a CZ Scorpion is because I'd automatically wanna change the safety and the grip, and it isn't cheap either. Also you'd need a good armbrace too, which is included with the Banshee.

    AND it takes Glock mags, so if you want that "perfect pair" and you already have a Glock 9mm then this would compliment it greatly. A lot of people say 22lr is the best survival round, but maybe 9mm with Glock mags has it beat.

  4. Most handguns 9mm or larger are short recoil operated, not blowback. Hi-Point pistols use blowback and it's why they're big, heavy, and snappy, but it's also why they're cheap, reliable, and durable. The same applies to PCCs and SMGs, although the difference is usually less significant.

  5. The charging handle is actually made by next level armament and has been around for a few years.
    And there is one thing I would ask for: COLT MAG COMPATIBLE! I absolutely hate the look of glock mags on an AR… Sorry, but most m4c purists do too… Aesthetics are 90% of why we get certain guns

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