Home AR-15 Bushmaster AR-15 ORC Overview

Bushmaster AR-15 ORC Overview


Not really a review but more of an overview of this AR-15. I remember when I first shot this rifle I thought it was so cool. Now, I think it is kinda basic. Still, great quality and performs well.

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  1. People are getting burned on AR15s. I see it everyday. I managed to assemble a nice rifle with multiple upgrades for less than $700. I have an Anderson lower with nickel boron hammer and trigger. The upper is a Bear Creek Arsenal chambered in .223 Wylde which is built for accommodating both .223 and 5.56, more accurately. The .223 Wylde chambering is popular with match shooters. The upper came with a full M16 bolt, chrome lined. I have upgraded to an Aimpoint quad rail in field dark earth, a Grip Pod System vertical grip/bipod, a Fab Defense butt stock with a built in magwell, also in Field dark earth, an Ergo pistol grip in field dark earth, a Seekins aluminum trigger guard, a 3/6 UTG rear sight, and a rear QD sling swivel. I cringe when I see people bragging about their basic AR15 they got for $600 to $700. A friend of mine just bought an M&P15 for $739.00 out the door, and the foreward stock is all cheap plastic with no aluminum heat shield. The hammer was recessed on both sides to cut weight, and the trigger guard was part of the lower, so no chance for an upgraded trigger guard. After finishing this rifle, I built one for my wife for less than $600, only hers has fewer upgrades.

  2. is this reliable and easy to shoot, it felt like the mmr was easier and how much is it to change them hanguards and throw a grip on it? if it shoots as nice as the mmr i might get it

  3. Thankyou. Today is NOV 19, 2015.. I can buy a Bushmaster OFC 16 M4 with chrome lined barrel for $550 after rebate. Is this a good deal ? I was looking at the Ruger 556 for $700.. Please help . Sale is on. Thanks 🙂

  4. Thanks for the review. I bought almost the exact same rifle a year or so ago for about 700, but mine is supposed to be even lighter. The only difference I see is the barrel, It looks thinner. I am glad you had a lot of positive input. Many have told me I made a mistake by choosing a Bushmaster, but I think it works pretty well. My biggest issue, as I have stated in other feeds, is with Tapco magazines. They just do not seem to get along with my carbon fiber receiver. Even Tapco admits their mags do not always work well in Carbon-15s and offered to swap them out for metal ones. My rifle does work fine with Magpuls, battered Viet Nam era mags I rebuilt with Brownell repair kits and even Promags. I hope you continue to have good luck with your rifle….thanks again

  5. Nice video, pretty much you covered all the features of this masterpiece.
    1 question though, this rifle can only take .223 only right? Can it take 5.56 or I have to swap to a different upper receiver to be able to use 5.56 ?
    And I just put this rifle on Lawaway today at the gun store close to my house for $749 with tax. 
    I mean It's a really good deal for a bushmaster ar 15.

  6. Just a bit of advice… Buy yourself a decent or better optic.. Nice review though but don't ever buy a cheap sight. You will find yourself spending double or triple the money on cheap optics instead of getting a better one to start. And .223 and 5.56 are similar but can not be shot through the same barrel unless it says 5.56 then .223…. Not .223 then 5.56… Or it had to be a wylde barrel

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