The Eotech 512 HWS has been one of the most affordable, recognizable and bomb proof optics for years. Watch to find out why.
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EOTech Holographic Weapon Sight:
EOTech at OpticsPlanet:
Music used: Neuro Rhythm by Aaron Spencer
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Great video .
Would you prefer a flip up sight or your a2 with the eotech? Thnkx
I kind of miss the classic L3 EOTech logo. The new one just seems a little bland.
Yet another wannabe "operator"…. ugh
I love my 512, its even better magnified.
Little late on this vid, but will you be going featureless with you ARs? Or are you using the new mag lock systems? Personally, I'm going with featureless so I can have normal reloads, even if they looks kinda lame.
This review is on point and very detailed. Sick
Awesome optic and has proven itself in combat since early 2000's!
Getting caught up. Good work here, brother! Love this channel.
I loved my eotech 512…I really regret selling it.

Remember, AAA batteries can be used with some tape and a BB. Also, most 9 volt batteries are basically 6 AAAs wired together.
Man I wish you could review NFA stuff, I would love to see you do suppressor reviews! Keep up the good work!
Was gunna go trijicon for my earthquake gun. now I'm conflicted…
P.S. shadeyness with HR38 recently you may want to spread the word. FAST
I have one and love it. However you didn't mention their huge recall. I had the return authorization sent to me, but I've been hesitating to return it and get my refund….
A vortex 3x magnifier makes it 300x better
Great stuff. Love the snake skin paint job. Have that on my as well. Love how it starts to wear down!
Either he lost a lot of wight or he’s hiding it under that beard
Audio and video is looks improved, You seem a little more high resolution yourself too. Great work!
Nice info as very nice sight…Good stuff…
"without rule of law" —-> nutnfancy influence is still strong, I love it! Great videos man
AimPoint red dots run for 5 years constantly on. Overall not changing batteries I think is the best idea. However, I do love the EO Tech as well.
I got my 518 for 280
The 512 is awesome! Keep an eye out for discounts fellas! I bought one a few months ago for $350 and was able to get a $75 rebate from eoTech. So basically $275!
@TactiCalifornia make a video on hr 38 national reciprocity passing and keep us updated on it
Only $8,644 bucks
Hell yeah
Where do you go shooting? Looks legit