New for 2015 – the CMMG Mk47 Mutant – an all-new rifle platform that combines the accuracy of the modern sporting rifle and relentless AK47-like reliability with the legendary 7.62x39mm caliber. Available this January!
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Make a piston upper with m-lok
It can't be as reliable as an AK if it uses Direct impingement, the AK is piston driven.
Please make these with M-lok rails!
This rifle looks awesome, the only thing I do not like is the lack of forward assist, I never needed to use it but I rather it was there just in case. As for it being Direct Impingement I think that's fine, if you want a piston AR in 7.62×39 just get an AK. The SIG 556R is a piston gun and even the second generation has terrible reliability, look at the review on Military Arms Channel, it had some kind of failure every few rounds. The Mutant's I have seen just ran and ran.
D.I. 7.62×39, no thank you
I'll stick to my Black Rifle Arms Piston 7.62×39, best on the market IMO
то что она надежна как АК это блять пиздеж чистой воды
алюминевая ствольная коробка АR, да еще и урезанная, да затвор с 6 упорами в стволе,система отката затвора от инерции удара газовой директ системы,кароче разводиловка для лохов.
it is AR.
from here Kalashnikov 7.62 cartridge only. and ak button magazine relise
it is SHIT.
russian saying.
CMMG, are you ever going to sell the lower separately?
АК-47 Давно устарел,правда не потеряв своих качеств.Ему на замену пришел АК-12 более совершенный во всех смыслах.
Х У Й Н Я !
Опять нахуивертили супер-пупер оружие,а толку ? уверен после первой лужи или упав в песок,сему девайсу предстоит полная разборка)))) Зачем выдумывать,то что уже давно есть.Всё генеальное-просто.
Do want! Wonder why they went with carbine length and not mid length gas system? Could because 7.52×39 is a lower pressure cartridge. I'm interested to see how the accuracy is with steel cased Russian ammo.
I want one. Can you use the upper with 308 bolt to build a 6.8 that uses larger magpul 6.8 mags. I would buy one of those also.
any firearm, or design for that matter, is a compromise. They have created a platform for AR triggers, AR stocks, AK magazine and AK round. Overbuilt bolt. I agree on the charging handle, that is an easy modification. The AK mags (plentiful and cheap), were not designed for bolt hold open. Kalashnikov thought this was an unnecessary complexity. Reliability? I am fine with a maintained DI system. Another alternative would be the Faxon ARAK21, they are now making this in 7.62×39. But again, its always been the magazine issue that complicated the marriage of the two.
Carbine gas length system actually over pressurizes (there is more dwell time). This would provide more reliability (but more wear and recoil) in light of inconsistent ammo loads (Comm bloc). I guess you could always slow it down with a heavier buffer. They could even use an adjustable gas block if necessary.
I am going to shoot this rifle next monday! I'll post a video of my thoughts soon after.
Love it! But why only a carbine length gas system under that free floated rail? There is plenty of room for a mid length DI system, and it seems that the extra length could only help the reliability.
This is brilliant advertising! Except for the DI gas system, It looks great. I'm keeping my Polytech Legend AK-47S and SIG 556 running until then…
This tickles the hell out of my fancy! Then I read down through the comments and see many of the thoughts I had voiced. Still, nice.
One question, why?
Is there a pistol version or can you buy the parts and make one?
How well will it handle the cheap steel ammo that is the true appeal to 7.62+39!
Oh good this is not my idea, it still has the AK's abominable round and terrible magazine/reloading mechanism.
It's an AR-15 that can accept 7.62, been done before (SR-47 and LAR-47)
Holy Crap, it's
-sigh-just a custom AR-10. Nothing AK about it, save the magazine.This is no different than any other ar15 chambered for 7.62x39mm. It still has tight tolerances and a Direct gas impingement system which are what makes the ar15 less reliable than the AK with its loose tolerances and its piston design. So I don't buy for 1 minute that this thing will be as reliable as an Ak or as "accurate" as an ar15. 7.62x39mm will always be less accurate than 5.56. Why pay more $$$ for something an AK already does? You arent gaining anything from this rifle. This is just a gimmick.
can you bury it in sand, throw it i the mud, bury it in sand again, then pick it up and empty a full mag? if not, it shouldn't be compared to the Kalashnikov.
Lost me at 'direct impingement'. They should have gone with a piston, as well as implemented a push-button mag release. They managed it on the AK12, though I don't have anything against the usual paddle-style mag release. I just figure people who want a sort of AK/AR hybrid would appreciate both. Ultimately, you're not really getting the best of both worlds here. Looks like just a glorified AR10 that uses AK mags.
I believe the AK uses a long-stroke piston, perhaps a middle ground of a short-stroke gas piston would be best. Give the receiver AR style controls, but perhaps with a more AK-style bolt, and give it a charging handle on both sides. I wonder how difficult it would be to put the AK bolt on a lower/upper AR style receiver. That way, it should be solid enough for a full length rail on top. Again, personally I don't much care for it, but I know lots of people like lots of rails.
With that, you'd have the customizability and ergonomics of the AR, and reliability of the AK. That's how I'd do it anyways, given some engineers and firearm designers to help me out lol I like to scribble down firearm designs from time to time, so far my best one is an SMG that has about 30-35 parts to it if memory serves, got a pistol in the works, and hope to get an assault rifle outlined. It's just a small hobby though, I'm not going to presume to know better than the people who designed this firearm… even though as said, it basically just looks like an AR10 rechambered to 7.62×39 and uses AK mags.
"The Birth of a New AR" That basically sums it up. I don't see the point in mentioning AK reliability at all, except "reliability of AK mags".
The CMMG MK47 looks to be very good as far as quality,,BUT, with no way to force the bolt home, and only the CRAPPY..! AR charging handle to pull the bolt to the rear,,, sales are not going to be a serious force in the market.
If the designers of the CMMG MK47 had employed some insight, they would have engineered a bolt charging handle on the side of the rifle, like the M14, or AK47 ,,, but, they have basically a failure now.
The CMMG MK47 will not dominate the market, and at $1600 plus per gun,,, it's NOT a deal anyone with any serious knowledge about shooting would want to spend their money on,,,
But there are loads of novices into shooting who will get suckered into this half ass engineered rifle, so the manufacturers will make a profit… just not what they would have made if they used some common sense and designed the bolt action with an AK style handle.
That's my prediction…….
So when is the gas piston version in 5.45×39 coming?
This has nothing in common with the AK at all. It shoots the 7.62×39 and uses its mag. How does this give it AK like reliability?
How is this AK-like other than the magazine release lever and caliber? This is just an AR-15. Couldn't they at least go with a piston gas system?
It's a great idea but you dropped the ball on three points. 1. It needs to be be piston driven. 2. It needs a mag release button like on an AR but I'm not sure that's even possible due to the design of the magazine. 3. It's too expensive. If I'm gonna throw out that much cash I'd rather have a Sig 556R.
Neat concept, but no piston drive?? $1499??
Just because it now fires an AK round does not make it as reliable as an AK in adverse conditions. While I love my AR style rifles the AK is reliable because of it's gas piston design and the tolerances are not as tight as an AR rifle. Making this this rifle with the AR style gas impingement does nothing to give the rifle AK reliability IMO. Giving it a piston system would have made this a must buy for me.
During the Vietnam War the Military Industrial Complex told us the AR was self cleaning because of the impingement gas system. The AR cocking handle ergonomics are 'Negative' (wrong) and the stock cannot fold. The Military Industrial Complex told us that a squirrel gun round was in fact a 'combat cartridge’, it only just takes 10-20 rounds to kill the enemy. (Same deal as WW2: 5 Sherman tanks with a poor main gun and 25 U.S. men to kill one German tank.) This new rifle has NO HOLD open / Bolt release; so mag changes will be slow and cumbersome. The cartridge is OK. What calibre did you make the barrel .308” or .311”? This is the ‘Edsel’ of AR rifles.
> Direct impingement
> 7.62
This rifle is the worst of both worlds. Why would you want this?
DI= not worth even looking at…
so an upgraded(or modernized) KAC SR-47?
I hate to agree with the crowd, but damn, no piston? DI? No thanks.
… Now I have to wait… I want it in a 20" barrel rifle gas system, piston, and classic A2 hand guards. Don't need rails.
They took the caliber of an AK-47 and put it into the self fouling body of an AR-15… In short they took the AKs reliability away from it… Not a good thing… They should have made it a piston gun!
Is still using his old ak-74
Why not a long stroke system? otherwise there will be no reason for a 7.62 AR… Get a H417 instead.
So its not piston driven? Why…
Needs to be Piston Driven & a side charging handle or a foward assist that works.
Also, what happened with the bolt catch and the LRBHO option?
You had me until you got to the DI gas system. Saying it's AK-like reliable while using a DI system is almost oxymoron.
Uses the DI of the AR the Piston is what makes the AK better than the AR I say this is a EPIC FAIL !