Home CMMG CMMG .22 LR Conversion Kit – Building My Ultimate AR-15

CMMG .22 LR Conversion Kit – Building My Ultimate AR-15


CMMG .22 LR Conversion Kit – Building My Ultimate AR-15
Lets take a look at the CMMG .22 lr Conversion Kit. This thing is well made and works great! There is just one caveat about the reliability that I cover in the video. Should you buy this over a dedicated .22 rifle? Tell me what you think? Thanks for watching! Be sure to smack that “Like” button! If you want to learn more about this rifle, be sure to check out my playlist.

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CMMG .22LR AR Caliber Conversion Kit:
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Music by Josh Woodward

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  1. I think this is cool but training with your AR15 with .22lr is not going to get you consistent performance out of your AR, buying a 10/22 for training especially in one of the many tactical configurations is definite plus to anyone who wants to do more shooting for way less money and come on, what gun enthusiast doesn't have at least one 1022. However this product would definitely be great to keep as a back up system to train with when you really want to train with the AR15 and are low on 5.56.223 but .22lr can be very dirty especially the non jacketed lead round nose so expect to be clean.

  2. It's true what they made thing you said great video by the way but I have one problem with it where I live the conversion kid is $299 so you're talking a little over 300 after taxes we're just $100 more I got the AR-15 /22 so I paid a little over $400 for the entire rifle so my question is do you think that I still should buy the conversion kit for my AR-15

  3. Very versatile, like you say. I have several 5.56 rifles/pistols and this let's me shoot cheap 22lr in all of them, but I think the accuracy in my old SP1 Colt with a 1:12 twist barrel will be the best. This kit pays for itself with the savings of 22lr over 5.56 after only 1,000 rounds,; it's kind of a no brainer. I've always been interested in one of these so I just backorder the Bravo kit from Brownell's on sale for $169. Two other benefits you didn't mention are reduced recoil and noise over 5.56 ammo, so the pros of this far outweigh the cons. I also appreciate how easy the bolt and chamber is to clean compared to a dedicated .22lr or other semi-auto.

  4. @100 yards, how much change is there shooting .223 vs. .22lr?  Do you have to make major adjustments to zero your optic switching back and forth?  I understand out at distance pry a huge diff, but lets say 100 yards?

  5. nice. I'm contemplating on getting one too. does your rifle get dirtier now as I read that it will? also what state do you live in here in California we are under Democratic Liberal control

  6. mAn…CountyBoyPrepper. .. you pointed out so much good stuff in this video! Very good Job! The platform has me hooked as well… LEGOS FOR GROWNUPS! Not extreme at all…. to be able to switch to ammo that weighs so much less and takes up a fraction of the space is a huge benifit. .. I've looked at these in the past and passed….. I'm gonna take another look! Great job making the case!!! God bless ya brother!

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