Home AR-15 Build Or Buy An AR-15?

Build Or Buy An AR-15?


Build or Buy an AR15 Rifle? I talk about the pro’s and cons of each.

I mentioned several manufacturers during the coarse of this video. To learn more about them, just google their name and check them out! I am not paid by anyone to advertise their product.

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  1. I cant speak for 5 years ago, but it all depends on if you want high end manufacturers badging on your upper and lower. My first one was an FNH FN15 which at the time costed $1300 just for the rifle and ended up replacing enough parts to bring the total up to $2100 after all said and done.

    My new one will be a midwest industries complete lower and a basic PSA complete upper… that will cost $600 for a working rifle. I will add on a trigger, free float MI rail, flip up sights, red dot, grip, B5 stock, ambi safety, qd end plate, raptor ambi charging handle and a few other things that I cant remember and will bring the rifle up to around $1100. $500 for a noveske barrel is obscene.. you can get match barrels for $250.

    PSA sources parts from top companies like FNH and Aero Precision so in essence you DONT really need to buy high end name brands to have a great lifetime, accurate rifle… Free life lessons.

  2. Man, my 308 didn't have 3 grand into it and it was a sub .5 MOA rifle. But I also don't use Noveke barrels. I typically use Ballistic Advantage. I have a couple DD CHF barrels and a nice 12.5 Centurion Arms. But even in that one, I don't have 3 grand. Bene's of military discount? Maybe, but I think it's also smart shopping and not buying crap. What's up with that light mount that sticks out 2 inches. Also why is the barricade stop on the support side? Maybe he's a lefty?

  3. So you aren't comparing a built ar are against a bought AR…. you're comparing a built AR against an AR you paid a premium for and then build on anyway. So you can't answer the question just build one from the beginning and get it all right from the start

  4. First off love your reviews. Keep up the good work.
    Second, is a question. With the novesky barricade rest, (maybe I'm not understand the function of it) why would you put it on only one side? Hypothetically you could need it on both sides, 50% of the time.. correct? Please excuse my ignorance.

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