Home AR-15 AR15 Bushmaster

AR15 Bushmaster


Slinging a few rounds with a nice AR15 squirrel gun! 🙂
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(Note: These descriptions were last updated on 8-8-18).

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  1. Nicely sums up what is wrong with America. …"no home is complete without one"…..are you serious??? An automatic assault rifle that you call a "squirrel gun".

  2. I have a strong preference for a 16" barrel on an AR. Don't be afraid to get a cheaper one, they are all really great guns. If you have the funds for a Bushmaster, do it. I like the Smith and Wesson as well, but really…they're all very fine and hard to tell apart. GET A FLAT TOP!! that's my other strong preference.

  3. @Tuxster3 finnally…somene with some common sense. Its our constitutional right to bear arms. Just admit it folks..we buy guns because they are cool, powerful, and fun to shoot. Not because of some apocolypes, zombie invasion, or reveloution. It is kind of fun to imagine though. At least slow moving zombies or aliens.HA! I will agree that having them to protect your family and home from thugs is a great idea, but better hope things never get so serious, your pointing you weapon at some one.

  4. @141827099 Ar-15 is the civilian( non burst or full auto version. M16 is the full auto or burst that the mil. uses. And the M4 has the collapsable stock and is carbine (16 inch) length. I think

  5. @141827099 well I know that the m16 is more accurate then an m4 has a longer barrel and hand guard and normally has a butt stock, while an m4 has a tactical stock also the m4 is a carbine and m16 is a rifle. Not to sure if its right but those are the difference that i know of.

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