Check out my little flame thrower!
Radical Firearms 7.5″ 1:7 5.56 RF FQR Quad Rail AR Pistol with SB15
Forged Mil-Spec Upper Receiver features M4 feed ramps
7.5″ 1:7 4150 Chromoly Vanadium Steel barrel
Chambered for .223/5.56 and finished with Melonite
Pistol length gas-system for improved reliability
M16 Milspec BCG with Melonite coating
Extractor booster pre-installed for reliable extraction!
Radical Firearms 7″ FQR (First-Gen Quad Rail)
Radical Firearms Forged Mil-Spec Lower Receiver
Mil-Spec Lower Parts Kit
Pistol Buffer Assembly Sig Tac Arm Brace
Made in Texas, USA!
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Instagram – @Talon_sei / @Talon_edc
Twitter – @Talon_sei
Snapchat – @Talon_sei

The ATF has now stated that shouldering a brace does not "redesign" the firearm… Time to hit the range and film another AR Pistol video!
Do you live in California
"Loud as hell and fireballs" is right. Lol
It smells like loophole
? Too me
look at that thing GO!,need me one ,and shoot it at the Range,wish i could get 1 :)thats like all you need is a ar-15 pistol:)
Is that the gun that was in the movie? In 'Captain America : Civil War'?
What caliber round does this machine run?
I shoulder it anyway
I did want to comment and say the shouldering thing has been changed since you’ve done this video lol I posted this before I noticed you’re pinned comment, but awesome set up man.
So what do you think would be a good AR brand to invest in
Talon. How long is your at pistol from end of brace to end of barrel?
I have that cat shirt
If it looks cool buy it
I want one
Howbout a 44 automag ar pistol!
Strike Industries makes the forward assist and dust cover.
هاي بيش سعرها
Looks like movie gun
Unless you can shoulder it, that thing is ridiculous. Rather have a high cap Glock or MP
Black Gun Black Friday…i hop the market was white

I am building a 7.5 ar pistol for under 350 dollars rn
So wait. I can't take this to the range and place the stock against my shoulder? That's illegal? I'm not getting the whole legality thing. Could someone please explain in good detail or refer me to a site that will help me with my confusion.
Sick pistol!
And when no ones looking we all shoulder our SBRs lol………
Well dayum! Nice.
it's amazing how gay those pistols look. like a Chihuahua in a "man" purse gay.
Which LPK was used for this build?
Just a dude on youtube! hahahaha
I bought one
Tupac was wrong in every way….. California, don't know how to party. Shitty libtards making it hard for good people to stay protected.
You can legally shoulder it now buy ATF laws you do not have to have it wrapped around your wrist you can by law legally shoulder it that law has been passed
I wish I understood why we an have these "pistols" but my AR has to have 16.5" barrel why ?
great vid thanks
I love that AR Pistol. I had a chance to shoot one this past weekend at the gun range. It feels Weird placing the gun on your cheek but it shoots like a dream. I put rounds with in 2 in of each other at 60 yards. Fun gun I have to get one.
Straps are Gay