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Aero precision lower receiver stag arms upper receiver tool craft bolt carrier group holosun reddot and magnifier Raiden charging handle with streamlight

EOTech 512 x Streamlight ProTac HL-X

Showing off how good this Holo looks at night. Music: Pentagram by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Artist:

Gear Breakdown For Coyote Hunting In The Dark

Join us for a thrilling night coyote hunt using cutting-edge night vision and thermal equipment! In this video, we break down the exact gear...

NRA-ILA | NRA-ILA Winter 2021 Litigation Newsletter

NRA-ILA’s Office of Litigation Counsel spent 2021 defending the Second Amendment across the country. As...

Winter 2020 Giveaway – Resolute 300 Series Mk47

Mike gives you a quick look at our winter 2020 giveaway gun. In this giveaway, you have a chance to win one of our...

last day 2 blood on the snow

lost my editing but it's late doe season and just the result of killing and not the actual act I hunt with a H&R...

AR-15 Winter Celebration Shooting a .223

Let's celebrate together, AR-15 rifle style ;) More Videos Here: Http://www.KirstenJoyWeiss.com/Trick-Shot-videos Behind the scenes @ Http://www.instagram.com/KirstenJoyWeiss Join in @ too! Http://www.KirstenJoyWeiss.com

Nikon Trailblazer 10×25 Review

For more information head over to: Compact, Rugged, Waterproof/Fog proof Long Eye Relief Eco-glass Lenses and Prisms Recommended For You Video 1: Video 2: Video 3:

Nikon TrailBlazer Binocular

Steve Ledin demonstrates the Nikon TrailBlazer Binocular