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CMMG Br4 – First Shots and Sighting In [6MM ARC]

***47 state compliant***

350 Legend vs 450 Bushmaster – Cinder Block Test

How many to stop a 350 legend and 450 bushmaster??? Truly appreciate you watching the videos!!! New Merch available - Heavy Metal here: Support us...

$80 ACOG??? | Budget Friendly ACOG TEST

ACOG here: Truly appreciate you watching the videos!!! New Merch available - Heavy Metal here: Support us on Patreon Heavy Metal here: Instagram Support us...

Best Rimfire Scope!!! [BDC Reticle Too!]

Find the Scope HERE: HUGE discounts on My Hearing Protection: 35-50% OFF GS extreme 2.0 - 35-50% OFF TRACKR BLU - 35-50% OFF TRACKR...

300 Blackout Suppressed [Banish 30 Gold + CMMG Resolute + Remington...

This thing is a hoot. Love it. HUGE discounts on My Hearing Protection: GS extreme 2.0 - TRACKR BLU - TRACKR electronic - Please Subscribe to...

CMMG MK17 AMMO TEST – takes Sig P320 Mags!!!

Mk17 is a pistol caliber AR fed from Sig Sauer P320/M17 magazines. Comes in several barrel lengths. CMMG here: Athlon Argos BTR gen2: Truly appreciate...

CMMG Banshee 40 S&W – 100 yards!!!

Truly appreciate you watching the videos! Heavy Metal: Instagram Support us on Patreon SUBSCRIBE HERE: Twitter Facebook CMMG Banshee 40 S&W - 100 yards!!! cmmg,cmmg...


CMMG DISSENT is pretty rad

$80 ACOG??? | 100 YARD TEST | Budget Friendly ACOG

ACOG here: Truly appreciate you watching the videos!!! New Merch available - Heavy Metal here: Support us on Patreon Heavy Metal here: Instagram Support us...

6MM ARC – 1,000 yards with ease – CMMG Endeavor

Alabama Arsenal HERE: CMMG here: Truly appreciate you watching the videos!!! Got to try out the 6MM ARC and I LOVE IT!!!! WTW shirts!!! - Heavy...