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NRA-ILA | West Virginia: Senate Passes Campus Self-Defense Act

Today, the Senate voted 29-4 to pass Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act, to...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: Committee Approves Campus Self-Defense Act

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act,...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: Campus Self-Defense Act Introduced

Today, Senator Rupie Phillips introduced Senate Bill 10, the Campus Self-Defense Act, to ensure that...

Upgrades For The CMMG 22lr AR Platform (BoreBuddy)

Want peak performance out of your 22lr CMMG conversion bolt? Then take a look at the BoreBuddy line of upgrades and replacement parts for...

Bushmaster AR 15 Upper Unboxing and Range Review

I recently picked up a Bushmaster Upper receiver for my next project. Bushmaster has a great reputation as a quality AR 15 manufacturer...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: Gov. Justice Signs Bill, Legislature Adjourns

On Saturday night, the Legislature adjourned sine die from its 2022 session. During this session,...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: House Concurs On Keep, Bear and Drive...

Today, the House voted 96-2 to concur with the Senate on House Bill 4048, the WV...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: Senate Passes Keep, Bear, and Drive with...

Today, the Senate voted 33-1 to pass House Bill 4048, the WV Keep, Bear and Drive with Arms...

NRA-ILA | West Virginia: House Passes Keep, Bear, and Drive with...

Today, the House of Delegates passed House Bill 4048, the WV Keep, Bear, and Drive...

Savage MSR Patrol AR15 Shooting

Just another random plinking and shooting demonstration. This time with my buddy's Savage MSR Patrol AR15. Pretty sweet rifle from the time I spent...