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Tag: Waiting Periods

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Floor Votes on...

On Thursday, March 16th, the New Hampshire House and Senate will be voting on several...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Anti-2A Bills Advance Out of the Chamber of...

In the past week, anti-Second Amendment politicians returned to Denver and stayed up all hours...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico Senate Could Vote on SB 427: Two-Week...

Senate Passed Legislation (SB 428) Encouraging Junk Lawsuits Against the Firearms Industry Over Weekend IT IS CRICIAL THAT YOU CONTACT...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Committee Advances Three Anti-Gun Bills to Senate Floor

On Wednesday, the Senate State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee voted to pass three...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico Senate Could Soon Consider Two-Week Gun Purchase...

On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee rushed to vote out Senate Bill 427 and took...

NRA-ILA | Washington: House Passes Waiting Period & Training Mandate Bill

Late last night, after midnight, the House voted 52-44 to pass House Bill 1143, to...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Waiting Period and Firearms Industry Lawsuit Bills...

House Bill 101 (Semi-Auto Ban & Magazine Limit Bill NOT on House Judiciary Committee Agenda for...

NRA-ILA | DOD-funded Report Seeks to Undermine U.S. Service Members’ Second...

Stymied by the American people and their elected representatives in attempts to enact the type...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing

On Monday, March 6, the House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs Committee is expected...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: With Just Two Weeks Left in Session,...

Today the New Mexico Senate passed House Bill 9, by Rep. Pamela Herndon (D-ABQ), on a 24-16 vote. House...