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NRA-ILA | Colorado: Semi-Auto Ban Up For Final Vote in House

HB24-1292 the semi-auto ban passed its second reading yesterday and is scheduled for final vote tomorrow...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: School Employee Carry Ban Dies in Committee and...

In a win for the residents of Colorado, HB24-1310 the ban on school employees carrying on school...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Wednesday: Floor Vote on Classifying Shotguns as “Machine...

Senator Anne Carney, Maine's leading gun grabber, is at it again. You may recall that...

NRA-ILA | Colorado: Assault Weapons Ban Vote Happening This Week! Merchant...

The Colorado General Assembly continues to throttle down on gun control. Today, House Majority Leader...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Committee Will Vote on Extreme Red Flag Bill...

On Tuesday, April 9th, the Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary will hold a public hearing...

NRA-ILA | Iowa: Enhanced Preemption Legislation Eligible for a Vote on...

Yesterday, House File 2556 was passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee with a vote of 12-4 and...

NRA-ILA | Delaware: Senate to Vote on Permit to Purchase Bill...

Today, the Delaware Senate will vote on Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 2 (SB 2)...

NRA-ILA | Delaware: House Set to Vote on Maryland-Style Permit to...

This week, the Delaware House of Representatives will vote on Senate Substitute 1 for Senate...

NRA-ILA | Vermont: Senate Anti-Gun Floor Vote Tuesday

On Tuesday, February 27th, the Vermont Senate will hold a vote on S. 209, also known as “Vermont’s...

NRA-ILA | Louisiana: Constitutional Carry Advances to the House Floor –...

Today, the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee passed the NRA-backed constitutional carry legislation, Senate Bill...