Tag: Update
Streamlight Microstream USB Longterm update presented by Shortcut Reviews
The output is 250 Lumens, at some point in the video I miss quote it as 220.
Rifle Optic Review AimPoint, ACOG, EOTech
We will be Reviewing the Aimpoint (Patrol Rifle Optic), Trijicon ACOG (4 x 32) with the RMR (Ruggedized Miniature Reflex), and the EOTech XPS3...
M&P15 Update – What have I done?
Final update with my M&P15. Goodbye old friend.
"Neo Western" and "The Descent" by Kevin MacLeod
Used under royalty free license.
Update: Sig Sauer, TLR4 Streamlight and My Wife.
Sig Sauer, TLR4 Streamlight and My Wife.
Gun Porn
Glock Videos
Ruger Videos
Wheel Gun Videos
Disclaimer: MrHolster/ThorfLLC videos are for entertainment purposes only, no expert advise is given...
Streamlight PolyTac LED Update
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It seems that the PolyTac flashlight by Streamlight has limited potential as a weapon light. On a 22? Go for it!...
EDC Light UPDATE | Streamlight Microstream
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Music From: Machinima Sound, Bensound, Incomtech &...
Streamlight Upgrades to their Stinger and Strion Series Flashlights at SHOT...
Streamlight Stinger Series Flashlights:
Streamlight Strion Series Flashlights:
Streamlight has updated their Strion and Stinger series of flashlights by giving them an upgrade! LED...
The EOtech 512 review… Or really a company review.
My overall impression on the EOtech series of optics in general. My opinions (baised on my experiences) are the reason why this would be...