Tag: tuesday
This week for Tactical Tuesday we are looking at the Eotech EFLX Mini Reflex Red Dot Sight.
The EFLX is Eotech's first venture into...
This week for Tactical Tuesday we are looking at the Lahar-30 suppressor by Aero Precision, we compare it to other similar style suppressors to...
NRA-ILA | New Mexico: House Committee to Hear Gun Owner Liability...
On Tuesday, January 24th, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee will hold a public...
NRA-ILA | Washington: House and Senate Committees to Hear Anti-Gun Bills...
The 2023 session is still in its first week and anti-gun lawmakers are wasting no...
NRA-ILA | IL: Gun Control Package Hearing Set for Tuesday, Next...
Illinois lawmakers scheduled a third hearing on Tuesday, December 20, for their gun control package bill, falsely...
Tactical Tuesday: AR-15 Two Point Sling Setup #shorts
Caleb Savant goes over a quick and effective way to set up your sling for maximum maneuverability on your AR-15.
Oregon: Tuesday Work Sessions and Committee Votes Scheduled for Mandatory Storage...
Anti-gun legislators are looking to advance legislation through Committees next week that would significantly impair Oregonians’ access to firearms.
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New Mexico: Update on Anti-Gun Bills SB 224, HB 166 &...
It was a busy end of the week, and will be a packed week ahead on mostly-bad firearm-related bills, with one bright spot for pro-Second Amendment...
New Mexico: House Committee to Hear Expansion of Red Flag Law...
On Tuesday, February 9, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee will meet at 1:30pm (or upon final adjournment from the House floor)...
Tool Review Tuesday!!! Streamlight Stylus Pro Flashlight.
A one year review of my Streamlight Stylus Pro.