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Tag: tuesday

NRA-ILA | Maine: Anti-Gun Work Session on Tuesday

On Tuesday, January 16th, the Maine Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary will be holding a...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Senate Judiciary Committee Holding Hearing on Anti-Gun...

On Tuesday, January 9th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing on two...

Upgrading Your AR15 Handguard Back 2 Basics Tactical Tuesday

This week for Tactical Tuesday we are continuing our Back 2 Basics series and discussing the benefits of upgrading the handguard on your old...

NRA-ILA | Massachusetts: Major Gun Hearing on Tuesday

Tomorrow, November 28th, the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will be holding...

NRA-ILA | Interim Legislative Committee to Meet Tuesday to Discuss Gun...

Dear New Mexico NRA Member: This Tuesday, July 18, the New Mexico Interim Joint Courts, Corrections...

Technical Tuesday: EOTech EFLX Mounting

We are now producing a mounting kit (screws and dedicated spacers) for the EOTech EFLX mini red dot sight. In this video, we...

NRA-ILA | Vermont: Floor vote on 72-Hour Waiting Period bill on...

On Tuesday, May 2nd, the Vermont Senate will be holding a floor vote on H230, a...

NRA-ILA | Texas House Committee to Hear Pro- & Anti-Gun Bills...

On Tuesday, April 4, the Texas House Select Committee on Community Safety will hear the...

Tuesday Night Talks: UNBOXING The BCM 14.5” MCMR Upper

First looks at the Enhanced Lightweight MCMR 14.5” Upper!! Check out our all new official Instagram page @conservingfreedom