Tag: tuesday
Live from The Roost! – Tuesday 02/04/2025
Join us at the Flocking Around Roost Bird FeederCam daily from dawn to dusk. We have recorded 94 species of birds at this site...
NRA-ILA | Washington: The Expedited Assault on Your Rights Continues! Hearings...
In just the second week of the session, the Washington State legislature continues their assault...
NRA-ILA | Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Scheduled for Hearing Tuesday
The Washington State legislature is wasting no time in their efforts to erode your Second...
Tech Tuesday – The Beast's Charging Handle
Welcome to Tech Tuesday! In this first video, we are going to answer "Why does the Beast's (Full Auto Mk47) charging handle move when...
NRA-ILA | Vermont: Senate Anti-Gun Floor Vote Tuesday
On Tuesday, February 27th, the Vermont Senate will hold a vote on S. 209, also known as “Vermont’s...
NRA-ILA | Tennessee: Gun Owner Credit Card Data Privacy Bill to...
Tuesday, February 27th, at 1:30 PM, House Bill 2762, introduced by Representative Rusty Grills (R-HD77), will be heard...
NRA-ILA | New Mexico: House Committee To Hear Two Gun Control...
On Tuesday, January 23rd, the New Mexico House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee will hold a...
NRA-ILA | Kansas: Pro-Gun Constitutional Amendment to be Heard in Committee...
On Tuesday, January 23rd, the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs will be holding...
NRA-ILA | Maine: Anti-Gun Work Session on Tuesday
On Tuesday, January 16th, the Maine Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary will be holding a...