Tag: transfer
CMMG 22 Conversion Kit Testing – Do The Skills Transfer?
The CMMG 22lr conversion kit is pretty awesome and a lot of fun, but does everything transfer as far as skills? Is everything the...
Gun Control and the Elastic Meaning of “Transfer”— Colorado Court Moves...
One of laws championed by the gun-grabbing crowd is the so-called universal background check, in which private sales of firearms are subjected to...
Illinois: House Passes Private Transfer Ban & FOID Fee Increase Bill
Yesterday, the House voted 60-50 to pass House Bill 1091. It now goes to the Senate for further consideration. With two more days...
Illinois: Private Transfer Ban & FOID Fee Increase Bill to Receive...
With session nearing a close, lawmakers plan to hold a vote for House Bill 1091 this weekend. It bans private transfers and makes...
Oregon: Tuesday Work Sessions and Committee Votes Scheduled for Mandatory Storage...
Anti-gun legislators are looking to advance legislation through Committees next week that would significantly impair Oregonians’ access to firearms.
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Maryland: General Assembly Overrides Vetoes of Private Transfer Bans
Yesterday, the Maryland House of Delegates voted to override Governor Larry Hogan’s veto of House Bill 4 after deferring the vote earlier in...
ILA | Maryland: General Assembly Adjourns Sine Die from its 2019...
Late last night, the Maryland General Assembly adjourned from their 2019 Legislative Session. This year...