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Tag: transfer

CMMG 22 Conversion Kit Testing – Do The Skills Transfer?

The CMMG 22lr conversion kit is pretty awesome and a lot of fun, but does everything transfer as far as skills? Is everything the...

GBRS CQB Knowledge Transfer

Credit: Instagram: spreadersofbelligerency

Gun Control and the Elastic Meaning of “Transfer”— Colorado Court Moves...

One of laws championed by the gun-grabbing crowd is the so-called universal background check, in which private sales of firearms are subjected to...

Illinois: House Passes Private Transfer Ban & FOID Fee Increase Bill

Yesterday, the House voted 60-50 to pass House Bill 1091. It now goes to the Senate for further consideration. With two more days...

Illinois: Private Transfer Ban & FOID Fee Increase Bill to Receive...

With session nearing a close, lawmakers plan to hold a vote for House Bill 1091 this weekend. It bans private transfers and makes...

Oregon: Tuesday Work Sessions and Committee Votes Scheduled for Mandatory Storage...

Anti-gun legislators are looking to advance legislation through Committees next week that would significantly impair Oregonians’ access to firearms.  Source link

Maryland: General Assembly Overrides Vetoes of Private Transfer Bans

Yesterday, the Maryland House of Delegates voted to override Governor Larry Hogan’s veto of House Bill 4 after deferring the vote earlier in...

ILA | Maryland: General Assembly Adjourns Sine Die from its 2019...

Late last night, the Maryland General Assembly adjourned from their 2019 Legislative Session.  This year...