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11.5″ AR-15 to 500 yds … 2.6 moa with ACSS Red...

Mad Max Palmetto AR-10: AR-15 Scopes and Pistol Optics for the Apocalypse: #poconoshooting #guntraining #ar15 #reddot #acss #arpistol #arpistolbrace www.poconoshooting.com

Spikes receiver and lower parts kit plus extras – HD

Stag arms lower parts kit, spikes tactical stripped lower with magpul accessories.

How To Assemble An AR Kit

How to assemble an AR Kit. Tried to make it as short as possible.

Installing a CMMG extension on a 20 round FN Five seveN...

It is a pretty easy modification, just not sure how reliable it will be until I get some range time with it.

Adjustable Stock Modification into a Fixed Stock

In this video I talk about how I would modify a CTR Adjustable stock into a fixed stock for a subscriber of mine who...

how to break in AR15 LW-15 lower CMMG 5.56 Carbine upper-...

Frontier Armory Model LW-15 Lightweight Polymer AR-15 Lower with a CMMG Carbine Upper 5.56 DI doing a Break in burst of rounds. Video taken...

Freewing 64mm F-14 unboxing with Gooniac! The best of the F-14s?...

The BRAND NEW Freewing Twin 64mm F-14 Tomcat was a big surprise! Mine is here and we Will be doing the unbox on the...

Police Going Door To Door Shaking People Down For Home Built...

Sponsor Links: Vault Pro: DBL BLK: Springfield Armory: Follow Us! Discord: In this episode: David Hogg Blames Suburban White Women Police go door to door for spooky bois, publish how to...

How to Zero LPVO Scopes | Tactical Rifleman

Low Power Variable Optics are the military's answer to having magnified optics on the combat carbines. Everyone loves red dot optics for CQB, but...

Ultimate CQB Guns | Maxim Defense | Tactical Rifleman

There are many manufacturers of rifles these days and so many of them make great products. That makes choosing the right one for...