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Tag: titanium

Coda Evolution Fury Titanium Compensator and Lightning Carbon Fiber Handguard Promo...

Introducing the Fury Titanium Compensator and the Lightning Carbon Fiber Handguard from CODA EVOLUTION. ►FURY TITANIUM COMPENSATOR • Who wants more weight...

B&T's First Ever AR-15 (with Titanium Handguard)| SHOT 2025

B&T's first AR-15 is here and as you'd imagine, it's top shelf. Featuring a titanium enhanced handguard (which is available for purchase separately), Geissele...

DEFCAN Suppressors, now in 8.6 BLK! A Closer Look

Introducing the newest addition to our DEFCAN line of suppressors... the 8.6! The DEFCAN 8.6 is a direct thread suppressor designed for use with...

CAT Dirty Dave VS CGS Hyperion 300 blk Sig 120 grain...

@specterscat @TheJaySituation @SwampYankeeArms @CloudDefensive @radianweapons @DIEFREECO @WinchesterAmmunitionOfficial @sigsauerinc ...

Bear City Arms | RS-Series AR-15 Titanium Handguard Barrel Retainer System

Introducing the Bear City Arms RS-Series AR-15 Titanium Handguard Barrel Retainer System. This lightweight and durable system will enhance your AR-15 rifle and upgrade...

Titanium Bolt Carrier, What's the Difference? Walker Defense

Do you need a titanium bolt carrier? Well that is a bit of a nuanced topic. The answer is "it depends". The titanium bolt carrier...

September Winner Announced! Mk17 DISSENT 9mm

A huge congratulations to our winner! We will be doing this monthly, each time with a different prize. Follow what Mike says in the...

Join us at The Outpost!

The Inaugural Impact at the Outpost was such fun, we are giving one lucky customer (and a guest) a chance to join us in...

Titanium & Carbon Fiber AR-15 is LIGHTER than a Feather!!!

Save 20% on your system and your first month is free when you sign up for Fast Protect Monitoring. Visit to customize yours!...