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OPMOD EOTech EXPS2 – Steve Ledin for Midwest Outdoors – Tip...

You can find the OPMOD EOTect EXPS2 at OpticsPlanet.com: This week's Midwest Outdoors Tip of the Week has OpticsPlanet.com's Steve Ledin discussing the OPMOD EOTech...

Stance and the AR-15: Modern Sporting Rifle Tip – Modern Defensive...

Modern Defensive Training Systems training director, Chris Fry demonstrates the proper stance and four points of contact when shooting AR-15-style rifles. (NSSF Video)

Shooting Fundamentals and the AR-15: Modern Sporting Rifle Tip – Modern...

Chris Fry training director at Modern Defensive Training Systems covers fundamental techniques that when applied will improve your accuracy on the range or in...

Best AR-15 Pistol Ever? – Tactical Armament AR-15 Pistol Review

*DISCLAIMER* - The pistol was shouldered for test and review purposes only. Green Light Shooting and Tactical Armament are not challenging the current ATF...

EDC Tip, a must have!

Carrying a ( Streamlight Scorpion ) flashlight for concealed carry is a must for all CCW holders. Disclaimer: MrHolster/ThorfLLC videos are for entertainment purposes only,...

AR-15 Build Tip: Install Barrel Nut Properly!

This AR-15 Build Tip is Installing Barrel Nut Properly! Installing Barrel Nut properly is important in AR-15 building. It is the core of your...

Height Over Bore Training Tip

Lucas Botkin explains one of the ways he trains height over bore. Also known as mechanical offset. He's using a Eotech EXPS3. 50/200m zero.

Build Your AR-15 Lower Receiver!

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: AR-15 detailed lower build. Please utilize...