Tag: Teaser
GPM Teaser 15 Rifle Scope Zero Stop, Easy Reset Guide
This one is a little out of my wheelhouse but I am gonna give it my "best shot"... I am used to reviewing red...
Dual-Lok 7 Gen 2 Teaser 4
Hey there folks! Here is a look at the Gen2 Dual-Lok 7 from Griffin Armament. Check it out...
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Teaser – AR-15 Receiver Extension/Buffer Tube Installation Jig (Link in Description)
Below is the link to the manufacturer.
I purchased this product with my own money. I receive no financial gain for linking or showcasing this...
Streamlight's 50th Anniversary – Teaser
This year, Streamlight is celebrating 50 years of high-performance lighting innovation.
Fifty years ago, NASA was interested in developing a solar simulator for the space...
CMMG Dissent Teaser | Buffer-less Compact Goodness!
Keep an eye out for our First Look video on the Dissent later this week. We had a BLAST shooting this thing!
The Dissent, a...
UFOs are Real! Something is coming! 
Witnesses and researchers help uncover clues that there may be something more out there. Find out more on this episode of Ancient Anomalies!
Huge thank...
CRR Listener Donated AR-15 Build – Teaser Video
The fantastically generous listeners of Canadian Reload Radio have been donating parts for my very own AR-15 build. This is the first in a...