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Tag: strike industries

Ultimate AR-15 M4E1 Build for 2025! Aero Precision Pro Series x...

Welcome to the ultimate AR-15 build series! In this first episode, I break down the premium components going into my Aero Precision M4E1 Pro...

Palmetto State Armory 11.5″ AR “Pistol” – The Good, The Bad...

Stop Scammers and SPAMers with Aura, the sponsor of this video. Try it FREE for two weeks with my link: Palmetto State...

Aero Precision AR15 build

I put together a 16” ar15 rifle using a custom aero precision builder set. It shoots great and looks good. Don’t forget to subscribe...

Trying new Guerilla AR Magazines

Testing the Black River Mfg Guerilla AR mags in my 5.56 AR assembly. PSA lower with Maxim Defense CCS buttstock Bear Creek Arsenal right side charger...

AR15 barrel and handguard installation

This video shows how to install a free float handguard, barrel, muzzle break and low profile glass block.

AR15 upper receiver and barrel assembly

This video shows how to do a complete upper receiver and barrel assembly with a free float handguard.

Combat Armory Billet AR15 Pistol

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Here we do our FIRST build breakdown, featuring the Delton Sierra 316L!! Below are the links for the rifle itself, and all attachments discussed in...

Ultimate Dust Cover Install

StrikeIndustries.com StrikeIndustries.com/shop/ar-aludc-223.html Music: soundcloud.com/thetempleofsteve Support my Channel on Patreon: Patreon.com/OreGear Check me out on social media: OreGear on Instagram Facebook.com/OreGear OreGear.com

Shockwave Blade AR15 Pistol Brace & Buffer Tube Review

Review of the Shockwave Blade AR-15 pistol brace and its matching pistol buffer tube. Also included is a brief test fitting onto a...