Tag: Steel
Thrunite W1 Vs. Olight i5R EOS Vs. Streamlight Microstream...
W1 Comparison Video :
Thrunite W1 :
Olight i5R EOS :
Streamlight Microstream :
Fenix E09R :
Thrunite Flashlights :
Olight Flashlights :
Streamlight Flashlights :
EDC Flashlights :
Surefire Flashlights :
Fenix Flashlights...
350 Legend vs 450 Bushmaster: INSANE Difference On Steel
In today's video, we will be comparing the performance of the 350 Legend and the 450 Bushmaster on mild steel. The results were definitely...
SHK 30rd Steel AR15 Magazines Korean Unboxing
26 AR mags $153 shipped.
Apologies I said $125 shipped in the video. It was $153 shipped.
Old Timer 12OT Pal Pocket Knife – New vs Old.
Comparison of the pre-2004 USA made Schrade Old Timer 12OT Pal and the Chinese made Old Timer 12OT Pal by Battenfeld Technologies from September...
Transition work from 12 yards using steel | Glock 45 |...
Using steel to work on transitions...
Click the link below to register for a class. I have in person and online options available. If you...
From the Vault: GAU-5A/A (Colt Model 630) AR-15 Clone using Brownells...
In this "From the Vault" video, I show off my latest SBR build. This is a clone of the Colt 630, otherwise known as...
AR-15 PISTOL vs STEEL TARGET : Palmetto State Armory “MARAUDER” 5.56
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