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bear creek arsenal 308 side charge upper 20 inch fluted heavy...

first test run of the bca side charge upper assembly with 20 inch 308 win barrel and trying to get on paper check out ...

Br47 on the Range

We had some friend out for the 10 year birthday of the Mk47 and release of the Br47. Here's a quick montage of some...

CMMG DISSENT Operation and Reference

A quick look at the DISSENT, it's features, and operation. With our patented Compact Action operating system, many people don't get a good look...

GBRS Standards Check Drill 1,5, & 5 @ 10 Yards. Side...

GBRS Check Drill 1,5,& 5 @ 10 Yards. Side By Side View W/ The Target To Show The Hits. I Was Very Proud Of...

What is the CMMG MkGs?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG MkGs. The easiest way to remember the MkGs is to think Glock Small frame...

December Winner Announced! DISSENT Br3 in 308!

A huge congratulations to our winner! We will be doing this monthly, each time with a different prize. Follow what Mike says in the...

Happy Birthday Mk47! 10 Years!

In December of 2014, the Mk47 was unleashed upon the world. It has since been a proven workhorse and overall incredible platform. There have...

Arken EP8 1-8 vs Eotech Vudu 1-8/1-10 Side by Side Comparison!

Today I compared two similarly equipped LPVO’s. But they have VERY different value propositions. the Arken EP8 1-8 against its competitor the Eotech Vudu...


This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Br4. The easiest way to remember the Br4 is to think Mk4 for BoomeRs. Look...

What is a CMMG Mk17?

This is a basic overview to quickly identify a CMMG Mk17. The easiest way to remember the Mk17 is to think M17 9mm mags. Look...