Home Tags Short barreled rifle

Tag: short barreled rifle

AR-15 Classifications: SBR, Pistol, Rifle.

Quick rundown of the three major classifications of AR-15s. And remember, WE AIN'T LAWYERS. 😤 If you require legal guidance, consult a legal professional. Catch...

11.3 Aero Precision M4E1 SBR Build

#aeroprecision #ar15 #ar15build #bravocompanyusa #sbr #guns #firearms #shooting #silencer #suppressor #holosun #surefire  This video was originally uploaded in 2022. It has been edited to fit...

Quick Tip: Making a Compact AR-15 Rifle

Bigger isn't always better! Brownells Gun™ Tech Caleb tells us how to build the most compact AR-15 possible without having to register it as...

How To Remove Your AR Pistol Brace

We're doing a quick video on how to remove your AR pistol brace in order to be compliant with the ATF's new pistol brace...

The Next 5 Things To Do To Your New AR-15 /...

@PipeWagonTV The Very Next 5 Things You Need To Do To Your New AR-15 / AR-9 #SUBSCRIBE , #Like , #Comment , #Share Cash app:...

How accurate is an AR (AR-15) 7.5" Pistol from 2AR Tactical?

Visit us on the web at www.2artactical.com to order!! An AR Pistol that hits inside of a head at 100 yards!

CMMG Ripstock Review | for AR-15

The Ripstock from CMMG is a lightweight short buttstock that can be rapidly employed without pushing a lever. Perfect for short barreled rifles or...

AR Pistol VS AR Rifle: What Should You Pick?

When choosing between an AR-15 and an AR pistol, the choice is clear … You really want both. But that is a bit of...

AR-15 Buffer Weight Discussion

**DISCLAIMER** I am not nor do I claim to be a gunsmith or even the most knowledgeable dude in regards to AR-15s. I discuss...