Tag: Setting
Quick Tip: Setting Up Offset Sights on Your AR-15
Offset sights are becoming more and more popular with AR-15 fans. Brownells Gun Tech™ @CalebSavant is here to give us some tips on...
Sig Rattler canebrake Mcx plus setting CGS Hyperion Post Sig Fix...
Sig Rattler canebrake plus setting CGS Hyperion Post Sig Fix winchester 200 grain subs
gear works brace jmac brace 8 inch, cloud defensive rein...
To all Plastic Injection Molding people, just for you.
I hope this video help you understand how to set Injection Parameter.
Watch my others video for...
Setting Up An AR-15 Pistol For Night Vision – An Overview
I'm setting up my AR-15 Pistol to be night vision ready. That means I want to be able to see through my optic with...
Nikon CUSTOM SETTING MENU [Auto focus] | Nikon DSLR Camera Settings...
This video Series is all about Nikon's Custom Settings Menu options. in this video I,practically described all the settings of auto focus section...
AR-15: Setting Up Your Two Point Sling
Who is Tier 1 Citizen:
Interested in T1C slings:
gab TV:
gab Social:
Optics Used:
Trijicon ACOG 4x32 ACSS:
Trijicon ACOG 4x32 LED:...
Setting Up Your 2-Point Sling with Navy SEAL and Pro Shooter...
In this video, Navy SEAL and Profession Shooter Fred Ruiz shares how he likes to set up his 2-point sling with his rifle.
Setting A Scope Without A Bore Sight (AR15)
My method for getting your new scope sighted in and on paper without a bore scope or firing unnecessary rounds.
Setting Up Your Hunting Rifle with Battenfeld Technologies and Randy Newberg
Randy Newberg gives a quick overview of what he uses to set up his rifle for hunting season. He relies on the information and...