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Tag: self defense

ILA | Washington: Gun-Free Zone Expansion & Firearms Seizure Bills Up...

On March 9th, Senate Bill 5434 to expand arbitrary boundaries where law-abiding citizens would be...

ILA | Washington: Bill to Increase Government Red Tape For CPL...

Senate Bill 5174 has been pulled from the Rules Committee and is now eligible for...

ILA | Arkansas: Important Self-Defense Legislation to Receive Committee Vote

Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on an important bill that would...

ILA | Arizona: School Pick-up/Drop-off Bill Passes House, On to Senate

On March 4th, the Arizona state House of Representatives voted 31-27 to pass House Bill...

ILA | West Virginia: Your Help Needed, Campus Carry Bill Faces...

On February 27th, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Shott motioned for House Bill 2519, the...

ILA | West Virginia: Campus Carry Bill On Second Reading

On February 26th, the West Virginia state House of Delegates will have a second reading...

ILA | West Virginia: Campus Carry Moves to House Floor

On February 21st, the West Virginia state House Finance Committee voted to pass House Bill...

ILA | Tennessee: House Committee to Consider New Concealed Carry Permit...

Yesterday, the House Constitutional Protections and Sentencing Subcommittee passed House Bill 1264.  This pro-gun legislation...

Testing the Streamlight TLR-1 HL

I recently acquired a Streamlight TLR-1 HL, which stands for High Lumen. I wanted to test it out and see how it performed at...