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Tag: Second Amendment

ILA | Hawaii: Gun Control Bills Pass Chamber of Origin &...

This week, a resolution was introduced in the Hawaii state Senate calling on the U.S....

ILA | Georgia: Anti-Gun Bill Tabled After Advancing Out of Committee

Recently, there has been misinformation spread that gives the impression that NRA-ILA supports Georgia Senate Bill...

ILA | Washington: Protect Your Second Amendment Rights from California Style...

Second Amendment rights in Washington are under attack like never before and we need your help...

ILA | Go Figure: Gun Controllers Use Fuzzy Math to Push...

There are a lot of things Second Amendment supporters and gun control advocates disagree on,...

ILA | H.R. 8 Votes Reveal Dem House Leadership Values Illegal...

The Nancy Pelosi-led House of Representatives passed gun control measures H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112...

ILA | Wyoming: Legislature Adjourns from 2019 Legislative Session

Yesterday, the Wyoming Legislature adjourned from its short 2019 Legislative Session.  Thank you to NRA...

ILA | NRA Reacts to assage of H.R. 1112

 FAIRFAX, Va.– For the second day in a row, the anti-gun leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives passed an extreme gun control...

California: Legislative Update

Friday, February 22, was the bill introduction deadline for California Legislature. It is clear that the legislature is set on continuing the assault...

ILA | Gun Control to Be Heard on the Floor of...

As we reported last week, anti-gun members of the House Judiciary Committee voted to move...

ILA | Bloomberg’s Everytown: Criminalizing Private Transfers is About Creating “Culture...

If you were still under the impression that gun control was about giving law enforcement...