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Tag: Second Amendment

ILA | Texas: Contact Your State Senators and Urge Them to...

Senate Bill 19, an NRA-backed measure sponsored by State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola), protects the rights...

ILA | California: Gun Show Ban Legislation and Vehicle Storage Bills...

Next week, both the Assembly Public Safety Committee and the Senate Governance and Finance Committee...

ILA | Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Indianapolis

Please join us at the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar to be held on Friday,...

ILA | U.S. Politicians Cheer New Zealand Gun Confiscation

American gun owners have once again been reminded that the ultimate goal of U.S. gun...

ILA | Supreme Court to Review New York City Gun Control...

A headline in Reason Magazine said it all: “Have Gun, Can’t Travel.” That’s the plight of...

Firearms Reporter Takes Kirsten Gillibrand To The Woodshed Over Her Anti-Gun...

It’s not that they don’t know. I’m sure they do know by now. They have to, but for the sake of the narrative,...

ILA | New Mexico: House Passes Gun Control Bill to Governor’s...

Last night, the New Mexico House passed a bill to the desk of Governor Michelle...

ILA | Activist Court Turns the Law Designed to Protect the...

On Thursday, the Connecticut Supreme Court created a dangerous new exception to the Protection of...

ILA | Canada’s Senate Holds Hearings on “Rube Goldberg” Gun Control...

Last month, the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence (SECD) concluded two days...

ILA | Arkansas: Your Senator Voted Against Your Right to Self-Defense

During a hearing tonight in the Senate Judiciary Committee, your state Senator John Cooper turned...