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What States allow the Br Series Rifles?

With the release of the Br Series, we wanted to be able to get this rifle into states that have heavier restrictions. It's changed...

The Br3 DISSENT – A Closer Look

With the release of the Mk3 DISSENTs it was just a matter of time before we had to make the Br3. Combining the Mk3...

Why We Built the All New DISSENT Br4!

With the release of the all new Br4, many people are asking "why?". Here, we dive into that a bit. Simply put, we want...

The NEW DISSENT Br4 – A Closer Look

We are excited to announce our all new Br4. The Br4 is a new model firearm that utilizes a DISSENT upper, and our all...

Hornady's Hot New Cartridge meets CMMG's Lineup!

The Hornady 22 ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge) is now available in multiple offerings from CMMG. Including the DISSENT, RESOLUTE, and ENDEAVOR, with more to...

March Winner Announced! Mk47 12.5″ DISSENT Pistol!

A huge congratulations to our winner! We will be doing this monthly, each time with a different prize. Follow what Mike says in the...

.45ACP DISSENT Overview

Here we take a quick look at the all new .45acp DISSENT. The MkG was what brought Radial Delayed Blowback to CMMG and it's...

12 5 table Talk V2 0

In this video, we take a closer look at the all new 12.5" Mk47 DISSENT. The Mk47 was released in late 2014 and quickly...

All NEW CMMG Mk47 DISSENT – A Closer Look!

In this video, we take a closer look at the all new Mk47 DISSENT. The Mk47 was released in late 2014 and quickly became...

Rise Armament custom build
