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Radian Model 1 REVIEWED! Is This AR15 Worth the Hype?

Want to learn more about this Radian Model 1 setup? See more information at our website: Here comes the boom! We reviewed the elusive...

Reviewed: Streamlight StylusPro (excellent AAA flashlight for EDC)

Do you like the content I produce? If so, please consider shopping on Amazon using this affiliate link - it helps me to grow...

Best Scope Under $1,000: 9 scopes reviewed head-to-head

See my final scope picks at That is a blog post where I review my final picks for each category.

I Ranked and Reviewed EVERY SONG in Zhang Yu Sheng's Studio...

Yes, it's true - this is a 7-hour long video where I individually review and rank all of the tracks within Zhang Yu-Sheng's 10...

#BikeBirding “Instagram Binoculars” Reviewed – NOCS Standard Issue

Review of the NOCS Standard Provision binoculars. Perfect for biketouring and bikebirding? Support non-competitive cycling content! NOCS: Vortex HDs: Nikon Monarch 7 8x30:...

14 Magpul Stocks Reviewed! Find the Best Stock for Your AR-15...

If you've never had your hands on each one, how do you know which Magpul Stock is best for your rifle? From the Magpul...

CMMG Mk47 – Reviewed

Read the full review at GunsAmerica.com/Digest

Best Birding Binoculars under $300 – Tested & Reviewed

I purchased four popular bird watching binoculars and spent a week testing them. These are the results, and the winner. Nikon Monarch 5 vs Vortex...

Best Reviewed! 20×50 High Power Military Binoculars, Compact HD Professional/Daily Waterproof...

Binoculars: - 20x50 High Power Military Binoculars, Compact HD Professional/Daily Waterproof Binoculars Telescope for Adults Bird Watching Travel Hunting Football-BAK4 Prism FMC Lens-with Case...

Best Binoculars For Birding in 2020 [Top 5 Picks Reviewed]

► Links to the best binoculars for birding we listed in this video: ► 5. Nikon Monarch 7 - ► 4. Leica Trinovid -...