Tag: reliability
4 steps to make (almost) any blowback 9mm AR run 100%...
*NOT for CMMG Banshee!* After a great deal of research, study and testing, I discovered (and confirmed many times over) that there are...
PSA .223 Wylde Upper Rifle Kit Review and Function testing -Palmetto...
For 25% off at the Feyachi Store! Code can only be used at the Feyachi website for 25% off your order!
Feyachi Store...
Best do it all pistol out of box Shadow systems XR920P...
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Product Spotlight: Rosco AR-15 Barrels
A lot of AR-15 barrel manufacturers take a one-size-fits-all approach to some of the specs on their barrels: gas port diameter, gas system length,...
Eotech EFLX unboxing and size comparison vs Trijicon RMR Part 1
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CMMG 10mm Banshee Review
Note: We were filming in a safe location(s).
Today on Alaskan Ballistics, we're shooting and reviewing the @CMMG Banshee 10mm. We're testing reliability and...
BEST AR-15 PISTOLS FOR 2024 : Accuracy, Reliability, and Value
AR-15 pistols are compact, maneuverable, and powerful. They're perfect for home defense, personal protection, and even just for fun. But with so many options...