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Tag: purchases

NRA-ILA | Delaware: Bill to Track Firearm Purchases in Committee Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on legislation to track the purchases...

NRA-ILA | Texas House Committee to Hear Anti-Gun Bills to Track,...

On Tuesday, April 18, the Texas House Select Committee on Community Safety will hold public hearings on...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico Senate Could Vote on SB 427: Two-Week...

Senate Passed Legislation (SB 428) Encouraging Junk Lawsuits Against the Firearms Industry Over Weekend IT IS CRICIAL THAT YOU CONTACT...

NRA-ILA | Credit Card Company Seeks to “Discover” (and Report) Your...

What’s in your wallet? If it’s a Discover credit card, be advised that it will...

Oregon: House Judiciary to Consider Legislation Potentially Allowing Indefinite Delays on...

Tomorrow, the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider House Bill 2543. This measure removes an important failsafe during the background check process that could...

House passes 24-hour waiting period for gun purchases

Vermont Business Magazine The Vermont House on Wednesday evening gave preliminary approval to gun violence prevention measures in S.169 on a vote of 82-58. The...