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NRA-ILA | Court Issues Order Blocking Illinois’ Ban on Commonly Owned...

In January, the Illinois Legislature passed the Protect Illinois Communities Act (“PICA”), which banned more...

Now Shipping and at your local dealer – CMMG 9mm DISSENT

We are proud to announce that all variants of the 9mm DISSENTS are now shipping. Choose from Glock mag (MkGs), Sig P320 mag (Mk17) or...

NRA-ILA | Biden’s Executive Order Targeting Gun Ownership

On Tuesday, Joe Biden issued an executive order on gun control that could accurately be...

NRA-ILA | NRA-ILA Appeals Court Order Denying its Intervention in Public...

In 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expanded hunting and fishing opportunities on 2.3...

NRA-ILA | NRA-ILA Asks Court for Temporary Restraining Order to Protect...

Last week, NRA-ILA filed a lawsuit challenging AB-173, a newly enacted California law that directs...

DOJ Releases Biden Gun Confiscation Order Legislation

DOJ has made clear that Garland’s selective definition of “civil rights” has no room for the Second Amendment... Source link

New Website! Faster, Easier, and More Intuitive Navigation

Before making a new account, keep in mind that we are migrating the information today! If you're new to the website, go ahead and...

Woman Fatally Shoots Man who Violated Protective Order

Authorities say a Gray’s Harbor woman has fatally shot a man who broke into a home and violated a protective order she had...

Eotech ,eotech 512 ONLY IN USA

click below link for off online usa Compact, lightweight holographic weapon sight with 1x magnification Uses laser light to illuminate holographic red reticle projected on target...