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NRA-ILA | Michigan: Committees Suppress Opposition to Anti-Gun Bills

Yesterday and today, committees in both chambers held public hearings for a number of anti-gun...

NRA-ILA | Opposition Grows to Canada’s Latest Gun Grab

More than two years ago, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an immediate ban on...

NRA-ILA | Gun Controllers: Ban Firearms for “Radicals” (and Designate Political...

On Aug. 24, New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul gave a speech about how the...

NRA-ILA | A Century of Opposition to New York’s Sullivan Law

On June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s discretionary carry licensing regime...

NRA-ILA | NRA Announces Opposition to Senate Gun Control Legislation

The NRA will support legislation that improves school security, promotes mental health services, and helps...

NRA-ILA | Washington: 10 Round Magazine Ban Passes Out of Legislature...

Late Friday evening, the final vote for 10-round magazine ban legislation, Senate Bill 5078, was...

NRA-ILA | NYSRPA Case Exposes Biden’s Anti-Second Amendment Bias, Vindicates Opposition...

Further evidence of Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s contempt for the Second Amendment...

Colorado: House Passes Mandatory Storage Legislation Amid Heavy Opposition

Earlier today, the Colorado House passed heavily debated Mandatory Storage Legislation, House Bill 1106. Source link

California Gun Confiscation Draws ACLU Opposition

We know that gun rights are interconnected with other civil rights. In their zeal to attack law-abiding gun owners and Second Amendment rights,...

Shannon Watts Mocks NRA Opposition to Centerfire Rifle Ammo Ban

On Tuesday Shannon Watts used Twitter to mock the NRA’s opposition to a ban of centerfire rifle ammunition. Watts is the founder of Michael...