Tag: NRA
NRA-ILA | NRA Opposes “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders
In recent weeks, “red flag” laws, to enable the government to confiscate a person’s firearms...
NRA-ILA | Texas: NRA Opposes Bills Denying Second Amendment Rights to...
Contact Your State Representatives & Urge Them to Oppose "Raise The Age" Bills
(HB 129, HB...
NRA-ILA | Oklahoma Makes History: Governor and Legislature Proudly Proclaim NRA...
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed a gubernatorial proclamation declaring April 3rd as NRA and Oklahoma...
NRA-ILA | Historic NRA Win: Constitutional Carry Signed in Florida
Fairfax, Va. - The NRA is pleased to announce Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed NRA-backed...
NRA-ILA | NRA Asks Entire Eleventh Circuit to Hear Case Challenging...
For years, the NRA has been litigating a Florida law that bans young adults aged...
NRA-ILA | Texas: NRA Opposes Bills Requiring Reporting of Lawful Firearm...
Contact Your State Representatives & Urge Them to Oppose These Bills!
Federal Requirement/Background
In 2011, the Obama...
NRA-ILA | Join Your NRA for a Legislative Update Meeting –...
Dear NRA Member,
The General Assembly in Virginia has recently convened, and this session proved we...
GLOCK 27 UPGRADE – Hogue Grip, Streamlight TLR-6, Glock Mags, ...
Here are some essential upgrades that will improve your Glock 27 for every day carry. Always make sure your firearm is unloaded prior to...
Lubricating Your AR-15
Looking for new personal defense skills delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up for the free PDN newsletter to get started today. ...
NRA-ILA | Oregon: NRA Testifies Against Anti-Gun Propaganda Bill
Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Education heard Senate Bill 551, to require Oregon schools to potentially...