Tag: nikon slughunter
Harvesting a large mature doe at 213 Yards with a 12...
Harvesting a large mature doe at 213 Yards with a 12 Gauge H&R Ultra Slug Hunter with Nikon BDC Scope and Hornady SST Slugs
How To Use The Nikon BDC Reticle and SpotOn Software
- This video desribes how the Nikon BDC reticle works and how to use the Nikon SpotOn software to determine the exact holdover...
Nikon SlugHunter Shotgun Rifle Scope – OpticsPlanet.com Product in Focus
The Nikon SlugHunter Shotgun Rifle Scope with the Bullet Drop Compensating (BDC) 200 reticle puts you in range up to 200 yards. It features...