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Tag: nikon m-223

Nikon M-223 Demo 28.mp4

Nikon M-223 Demo Shoot at CMMG Range Featuring the New Nikon M-223 Rifle Scopes and CMMG Rifles.

Nikon M-223 Demo 26.mp4

Nikon M-223 Demo Shoot at CMMG Rnage Featuring the New Nikon M-223 Rifle Scopes and CMMG Rifles.

Nikon M-223 Demo 12

Nikon M-223 Demo Shoot at CMMG Range Featuring the New Nikon M-223 Rifle Scopes and CMMG Rifles.

NRA Annual Meetings 2014: Nikon M-223 Riflescope

Nikon showed off its M-223 riflescope at the 143rd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. For more information, go to AmericanHunter.org.

Nikon M-223 Riflescope

A new line of scopes developed to optimize the performance of the .223/5.56-caliber round in AR-type platforms. Ultra ClearCoatâ„¢ optical systems deliver superior image...

Rock River Arms & Nikon M223 Scope

RRA & Nikon at Golden Gun Club Rock River Arms A2 Tactical Entry Nikon M-223 3x16-42SF BDC Scope Lake City .223 55gr ammo

Nikon M-223 Scope 1-4×20

This is a closer look at the features of the Nikon M-223 1-4 power AR rifle scope. Visit the website for prices and...

Ruger Mini 14 After Zero Nikon M-223

After I zeroed the M-223 at 75 yards

Nikon M-223 Rifle Scope

Target shooting with the Nikon M-223 rifle scope

AR-15 Nikon M-223 scope

My new Nikon M223 scope dialed in at 100yards, took a few minutes, but wasn't hard at all! Outcome, Bulls eye's at 100yrds made...