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Tag: microstamping

NRA-ILA | California Federal Judge: Semi-automatics and Machineguns are “Virtually Indistinguishable”

The ever-gushing fount of legal imagination that is California has provided the rest of America...

NRA-ILA | Supreme Court: NYSRPA Files Response to NYC Mootness Claim

On July 22, the City of New York filed a motion to have the pending...

NRA-ILA | Kamala Harris and Her Perplexing Anti-Gun Ideas

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), one of the two-dozen Democrat presidential hopefuls vying to take...

NRA-ILA | A Pair of Academics Question Gun Control Orthodoxy

Given that so much gun policy research is explicitly funded by individuals hostile to our...

NRA-ILA | “Smart” Guns and Mandatory Storage: Two Bad Policy Ideas...

Whenever a tragedy strikes that involves a firearm, no matter how statistically rare the event...

NRA-ILA | Never Enough: New Zealand Government Pushes Even More Gun...

On July 22, New Zealand’s Labour-led government announced a wide array of new gun control...

NRA-ILA | NYC Makes Second Bid to Shake Off Supreme Court...

Apparently cognizant of the risks of pressing ahead with the defense of its nonsensical and...

NRA-ILA | Highly Touted Study Tests Non-Existent Policies, Uses Deceptive Data

A study published in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics this week generated...

NRA-ILA | Presidential Pretender Who Campaigned on Gun Control First to...

On Monday, Eric Swalwell became the first of the many pretenders for the Democrat presidential...

NRA-ILA | “Fact Checker:” Joe Biden’s “Gun Ban” Not a Gun...

Facebook has teamed up with what it calls “third-party fact-checkers” to punish users of its...