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New Mexico: House Committee Defeats Legislation Protecting Your Rights During Emergencies...

Last night, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee defeated House Bill 279 on a party-line vote. Source link

New Mexico: House Judiciary Committee Advances HB 193; Pauses for More...

On Monday night, the House Judiciary Committee advanced House Bill 193, which amends New Mexico's red flag firearms surrender law to allow a police officer to petition for an extreme risk...

New Mexico: Update on Anti-Gun Bills SB 224, HB 166 &...

It was a busy end of the week, and will be a packed week ahead on mostly-bad firearm-related bills, with one bright spot for pro-Second Amendment...

New Mexico: Mandatory Gun Storage & Youth Firearms Possession Ban Now...

The Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee postponed hearing SB 224  yesterday and will now consider the bill on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Source link

New Mexico: House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee To Advance Expansion...

Even though opponents of HB 193 and HB 166 outnumbered gun control advocates 80/20 on the committee's zoom hearing yesterday afternoon, the committee voted...

New Mexico: House Committee to Hear Expansion of Red Flag Law...

On Tuesday, February 9, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee will meet at 1:30pm (or upon final adjournment from the House floor)...

Mandatory Storage Legislation Introduced In The New Mexico Senate

Another legislative session -- another ineffective, intrusive and unenforceable gun control proposal.  You wonder what they'll come up with next?  Well, here it is: Senate...

ILA | Outrage of the Week: New Mexico Principal Bullies Pro-Second...

The last person you expect your kid to be bullied by is his school principal. But that's exactly...