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Tag: mandatory storage

ILA | North Carolina: Bill Crossover Deadline Passes, Anti-Gun Bills Do...

May 9th was the deadline for the majority of bills to pass from their chamber of...

ILA | Connecticut: Gun Control Bills to House Floor

The Connecticut House of Representatives will soon be considering a broad based set of gun...

ILA | Nevada: Anti-gun Legislation Could be Considered At Any Time...

May 17th is the deadline for legislation to pass out of the policy committee in the...

ILA | Nevada: Gun Control Bills Pass Assembly

On April 23rd, the Nevada Assembly voted to pass Assembly Bill 291 and Assembly Bill...

ILA | Nevada: Anti-Gun Bills Remain Eligible for Floor Vote

Tuesday, April 23rd is the deadline for bills to pass through their chamber of origin.  Two...

ILA | Oregon: Gun Control Package Sent To Another Committee

Thanks to NRA members and Second Amendment supporters who contacted their state Senators in opposition,...

ILA | Nevada: Assembly Judiciary Votes to Cede Authority To Pass...

On April 12th, the Nevada Assembly Committee on Judiciary voted to approve Assembly Bill 291...

ILA | Nevada: Firearm Modification Ban & Local Infringement Bill Scheduled...

On April 12th, the Assembly Committee on Judiciary will hold a work session where they...

ILA | Oregon: Committee Passes 45-Page Gun Control Package

On April 9th, the Oregon state Senate Judiciary Committee voted to approve Senate Bill 978...

ILA | Nevada: Deadline for Bills to Advance From Policy Committees...

Friday, April 12th, is the deadline for bills to advance from committees in their chamber of origin....
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