Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | Connecticut: Gun Control Bills to House Floor

ILA | Connecticut: Gun Control Bills to House Floor


The Connecticut House of Representatives will soon be considering a broad based set of gun control bills that would require firearms be made unavailable for self-defense, effectively end the centuries old practice of home-manufacturing firearms for personal use, and impose unnecessary restrictions on transporting handguns.  Please contact your state Representative and urge them to OPPOSE HB 7218, HB 7219, and HB 7223.  Click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state representative.

House Bill 7218 would require any adult with a minor present in their residence to make their firearms unavailable for self-defense.  Gun safety and storage is a matter of personal responsibility and every person’s situation is different.  It is unreasonable to impose a one-size-fits-all government solution.  Such poorly thought out schemes are without any consideration for personal circumstances.

House Bill 7219 would essentially end the centuries old practice of manufacturing firearms for personal use by imposing requirements that far exceed those in federal law.  Criminals acquire the vast majority of their firearms by illegal means such as theft, straw purchase, or on the black market.  Such a law would only affect hobbyists who like to design, assemble, or manufacture their own firearms.

House Bill 7223 would require handguns to be stored in a locked safe whenever in an unattended vehicle.  Such an unreasonable requirement would require gun owners to fit their vehicles with a locking safe separate from any carrying cases they already use to transport handguns.

Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Representative and urge them to OPPOSE HB 7218, HB 7219, and HB 7223.

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