Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues ILA | North Carolina: Bill Crossover Deadline Passes, Anti-Gun Bills Do Not

ILA | North Carolina: Bill Crossover Deadline Passes, Anti-Gun Bills Do Not


May 9th was the deadline for the majority of bills to pass from their chamber of origin to the opposite chamber.  Despite efforts by anti-gun legislators to restrict your rights, no gun control bills have advanced.  Your NRA would like to thank the pro-Second Amendment majorities in both the Senate and House of Representatives for protecting the rights of law-abiding citizens and stopping these bills.  The most egregious of these bills include:

House Bill 86, sponsored by Representative Shelly Willingham (D-23), would have among other things, required a permit to acquire long guns, rationed Second Amendment rights by imposing a 72 hour delay before a firearm may be transferred, prohibited young adults from possessing many types of commonly owned firearms, banned many standard capacity magazines, required gun owners to purchase one-size-fits all firearm liability insurance, and allowed localities to infringe upon Second Amendment rights.

Senate Bill 565, sponsored by Senator Harper Peterson (D-9), and House Bill 454, sponsored by Representative Grier Martin (D-34), would have allowed for Second Amendment rights to be suspended from individuals following baseless accusations and without due process.

House Bill 842, sponsored by Representative Pricey Harrison (D-61), would have required registration of many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned for lawful purposes such as self-defense and competition.

House Bill 815, sponsored by Rep. Martin, would have imposed a one-size-fits-all requirement for how firearms must be secured in vehicles.  It would have criminalized having a firearm in an unattended locked vehicle and required that firearms in locked vehicles to also be secured with a locking device or within a locked container.

House Bill 456, sponsored by Rep. Harrison, would have required a permit to acquire long guns.

Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for further updates on bills and issues affecting our Second Amendment rights in North Carolina.

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