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Tag: Major

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: House Defeats Two Major Anti-Gun Bills

Today, February 20th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives held votes on two extreme anti-gun...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Governor Mills Proposes Major Cost Increases to Hunting,...

The NRA recently warned Mainers that progressive politicians were zeroing in on their hunting rights. This...

NRA-ILA | Supreme Court Deals Major Blow to Executive Branch Overreach

On Friday, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Major Legislative Victory for Firearm Purchasers

On Thursday, May 30th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed House Bill 1186, an...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Major Gun Hearing Tomorrow

On Tuesday, March 19th, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Major Gun Bill Votes on Thursday

On Thursday, February 15th, the New Hampshire Senate will be holding floor votes on several...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Major Gun Bills to be Heard This...

On Monday, February 12th, and Thursday, February 15th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives will be...

NRA-ILA | New Hampshire: Major Gun Bill Hearing on Wednesday

Tomorrow, January 31st, the House Judiciary Committee will be holding a Work Session on HB...

NRA-ILA | Vermont: Major Anti-Gun Hearings This Week

On Thursday, January 18th, and Friday, January 19th, the Vermont Senate Committee on Judiciary will...

NRA-ILA | Massachusetts: Major Gun Hearing on Tuesday

Tomorrow, November 28th, the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will be holding...