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A Proper Way to Load an AR-15

Loading an AR 15 isn't complicated, yet we hear clicks when BANGs are expected very often, so apparently it is is more complicated than...

Caldwell Mag Charger/Loader Part 2 Single and Double Stack Magazines From...

Doing an updated video to my original Caldwell Mag Charger review showing both double and single stack magazines in varying calibers from 9mm up...

Which Pistol Loader Works Best? Maglula vs Caldwell vs ETS

Youtube: Instagram: Fedarm: The Tac Shack: DB America: All these products can be found on midwayusa.com, amazon or ebay with little effort: Caldwell Mag Charger...

Easiest Way To Load Your Mags

Loading your mags isn't exactly "fun" but thankfully Elite Tactical Systems (ETS) came up with a solution to make the process much more painless....

Bushmater AR15 Magazine Review

The Ar15 has many diffrent manufactures of magazines. Bushmaster is one of them. Any good? Watch and find out more about this mag.

AR-15 Administrative Load and Unload: Modern Sporting Rifle Tip – Modern...

Chris Fry training director at Modern Defensive Training Systems covers how to safely load and unload the AR-15 platform modern sporting rifle. (NSSF Video)...

Caldwell AR-15 MagCharger – A different take on speed loading

The Caldwell AR-15 MagCharger has become a staple in my range tools. Although you won't be replacing your UpLula with it, its still a...

Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger vs Hand Loading!?!

The Caldwell Mag Charger AR-15 magazine loader the Tac-30 AR-15 Mag Charger goes up against hand loading AR-15 30 round magazines. The challenge...