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The Ultimate Speed Loader for M&P 15-22 and other 22LR Magazines!

The Ultimate Speed Loader for 22LR Magazines, McFaden Machine 22LR Loader Thanks for watching! Please Like, Subscribe and Share!

Caldwell AR-15 Mag Charger

30 round magazine loader from Caldwell. Great little helper! Love it!

Chiappa AR15 22LR Conversion Magazine (Easiest Mag to Load) – REVIEW

TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Google+: Behold! An AR15 conversion magazine that has the little follower button on the outside of the mag making it easy...

ETS C.A.M loader

ETS C.A.M loader

Maglula UpLULA Universal Pistol Magazine Loader

Maglula UpLULA 9mm to .45ACP magazine loader and unloader.

CMMG .22LR Conversion Kit ammo test

CMMG .22LR Conversion Kit Alpha Model (phosphate finish) This is a representation to help you decide on one of these kits. A short visual review...

Maglula UpLULA The Best Universal Pistol Magazine Speed Loader Ever

Maglula UpLULA The Best Universal Pistol Magazine Speed Loader Ever PLEASE SUPPORT VG&G Channel on PATREON (we are viewer supported) Buy yours here:...

Wittmann Battenfeld – Innovative Technologies Working For You

Wittmann Battenfeld is the leading global supplier of Robots and Custom Automation, IML and Molds, Injection Molding Machines, Material Handling Systems, Blenders, Dryers, Granulators,...

Review: Butler Creek ASAP Mag Loader

We check out the new Butler Creek ASAP Mag Loader's three ways to load ammo for AR-15s and M16s quickly and easily.