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NRA-ILA | Report: Notorious NYPD License Division Drags its Feet on...

Following its landmark loss at the U.S. Supreme Court in New York State Rifle &...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Governor Mills Proposes Major Cost Increases to Hunting,...

The NRA recently warned Mainers that progressive politicians were zeroing in on their hunting rights. This...

NRA-ILA | Cert Petition Filed in NRA-Backed Challenge to Maryland’s Handgun...

On September 27, the plaintiffs in Maryland Shall Issue v. Moore petitioned the U.S. Supreme...

NRA-ILA | En Banc Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License...

Today, the en banc Fourth Circuit upheld Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License (HQL) requirement in Maryland...

NRA-ILA | Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Strikes Maryland’s Handgun Qualification...

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals ruled that Maryland’s...

Police Going Door To Door Shaking People Down For Home Built...

Sponsor Links: Vault Pro: DBL BLK: Springfield Armory: Follow Us! Discord: In this episode: David Hogg Blames Suburban White Women Police go door to door for spooky bois, publish how to...

NRA-ILA | Judge Permanently Prohibits New Jersey from Using Justifiable Need...

Judge Permanently Prohibits New Jersey from Using Justifiable Need to Deny Concealed Carry License Applications. Yesterday,...

NRA-ILA | Kansas: Governor Signs Lifetime Children’s Hunting and Fishing License...

This week, Governor Laura Kelly signed pro-hunting legislation, House Bill 2456, into law.  The measure...

NRA-ILA | Kansas: Concurrence Reached on Lifetime Children’s Hunting and Fishing...

Yesterday, the Kansas Legislature passed a measure that creates the option of a lifetime hunting...

NRA-ILA | Kansas: Lifetime Children’s Hunting & Fishing License Passed out...

Yesterday, the Kansas Senate passed a measure that creates the option of a lifetime hunting...