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NRA-ILA | Arkansas: Watered Down Firearm Financial Privacy Legislation Heads to...

Today, the House Insurance & Commerce Committee passed House Bill 1509 and advanced it to the...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Hearing Tomorrow on Legislation to Destroy the...

Tomorrow March 8 at 9am, the Senate Tax, Business & Transportation committee will be hearing...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee...

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee met to continue discussions on Senate Bill 279...

NRA-ILA | Kentucky: Concealed Carry Expansion Legislation Hearing Tomorrow

Tomorrow, March 6th, the Senate Judiciary will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 75, allowing...

NRA-ILA | Indiana: Legislation Requiring Courts to Expunge Unwarranted Records To...

Today, March 4th, the Senate Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law passed House Bill 1137. House Bill 1137...

NRA-ILA | Connecticut: Legislation Would Raise Magazine Restrictions From 10 to...

On Thursday, February 27, the Public Safety and Security Committee held a hearing on several...

NRA-ILA | UPDATE: Legislation Introduced to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights

The Chairmen of the House and Senate Committees on Veterans’ Affairs, U.S. Representative Mike Bost...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Moving Soon – Take...

The time to act is now for Rhode Island gun owners. It’s not a matter...

NRA-ILA | Alaska: Red Flag Legislation Introduced in House

Again this session, a Red Flag bill, House Bill 89, “relating to gun violence protective...

NRA-ILA | Arizona: Senate Judiciary Committee to Hear Important Preemption Enhancement...

Later today, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear Senate Bill 1705 to enhance Arizona’s existing firearm...