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Tag: JMAC Customs

CMMG Dissent 9mm | Making the Most Out of a Small...

"This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All guns displayed off the range are safety checked and only displayed pointing in...

JMAC Customs 360 X37 HD-HUB Install on Kalashnikov USA KP9

Unboxing and installing the JMAC Customs 360 1/2 x 28 X37 HD–HUB muzzle device on a Kalashnikov USA KP9. The JMAC customs X-37 muzzle...

Quick Tip: Installing the KNS AR / MCX Picatinny Stock Adapter

A growing number of AR-15 type uppers have a self-contained recoil system that doesn’t need the traditional buffer assembly / receiver extension on the...